2024 Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference titled "Trends in Further Education 16: A Multidisciplinary Perspective."

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This conference, scheduled between 11th to 13th September at Junior College, Msida, promises to be an enriching platform where scholars, educators, and practitioners converge to explore the latest advancements and challenges in the field of further education. The conference will feature esteemed keynote speakers, including Professor Matthew Montebello Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta and Professor Sarah Mercer Professor for Foreign Language Teaching and the Head of the ELT Research and Methodology Department at the University of Graz, Austria, who are renowned experts in their fields, alongside other distinguished panellists engaging in discussions on related topics. The panel sessions will cover the following thematic areas: 1. Leadership: Vision and Strategy 2. Wellbeing: Perceptions and Proposals 3. Learning: Teaching and Assessment 4. AI in Education: Challenges and Opportunities 5. Enhancing Career Prospects: Skills and Competences Currently, we are accepting research abstracts for submission until deadline of 1st July, 2024. If you are interested in participating by submitting an abstract, we invite you to visit the conference website for submission guidelines: jc.um.edu.mtaimccallforabstracts For further details about the conference, including early-bird registration, please visit the conference website: jc.um.edu.mtaimc Should you have any queries, kindly contact us on aimc@jc.um.edu.mt. We are always ready to help.